Aimee Wilson
10 December 2024, 4:45 PM
Cherry season is underway in Central Otago and the crop is looking pretty good all round.
Despite four seasons in one month during mid-October to mid-November the harvest was largely unaffected.
Leaning Rock owner Peter Bennie said so far he was having the best season in about 30 years, with seven tonne of Burlatt already picked, compared with just four in previous seasons.
“It’s definitely one of the better ones I have grown.”
He would start picking 10 different varieties for export in about 10 days time.
The orchard grew over 60ha of fresh fruit, with more than15 different varieties of cherries, destined for various countries around the globe.
Jim Naopoli, of Fiji,i working at the Cheeki Cherries orchard in Ripponvale near Cromwell. SUPPLIED.
Up in Cromwell, Cheeki Cherries opened their ‘Pick Your Own’ business for the season on December 1 - a week later than last year, with three varieties of red (Burlatt, Earlise and Merton) ready, along with a further three white (New York, Rainier and Star Dust).
Co-owner Martin Milne said the white cherries fetched a premium price, particularly with the Asian population, who “go
absolutely ballistic” for them.
The traditional red cherries were currently selling for $17kg, but the white were $24kg, and one man came in every year and purchased 20-30kg to sell around New Zealand at twice the price again.
Because of their popularity Martin was looking at planting more on his Ripponvale orchard.
He thought they were popular because of how sweet they were, “and they are so scarce, if nobody has them, everyone wants them."
Opening day was usually one of their busiest days of the season, along with Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, he said.
“We’ve had lots of families coming in for picnics,” he said.
Down in the Teviot Valley, NZ Orchard Direct owner Gary Bennetts said his crop of cherries was looking good - not light and not too heavy.
He had already picked a few early varieties and would start on his exports in the New Year.
His orchard grew the Dawson, Stella, Lapin, Skeena, Kordia and Staccato varieties.
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