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Plastics announcement gets Wastebusters’ tick of approval

The Central App

01 July 2021, 6:04 PM

Plastics announcement gets Wastebusters’ tick of approvalA variety of plastics, including some single-use plastics, will be phased out by 2025 - but should takeaway cups be on that list?

Problem plastics and some single-use plastics will be phased out by 2025, environment minister David Parker has announced.

Items to be phased out include hard to recycle food and drink packaging made from PVC and polystyrene and some degradable plastic products, as well as single-use plastic items including drink stirrers, cotton buds, single-use produce bags, cutlery, plates and bowls, straws and fruit labels.

“We estimate this new policy will remove more than two billion single-use plastic items from our landfills or environment each year,” David said.

The plastics phase-outs, which will take place in three stages starting late 2022, was celebrated by Wanaka Wastebusters, who said the announcement was “exciting progress”, and a positive way to kick off Plastic Free July.

Plastic Free July is a global movement aimed at raising awareness of the number of single-use plastic items that are part of everyday life and, for the month of July, participants commit to reducing or eliminating plastic waste from their lives. Learn more here.

“Thank you to everyone who has helped get this initial phase out underway; this is just the first stage of many to remove problem plastics in New Zealand,” Wastebusters said in a statement.

New Zealanders throw away an estimated 159 grams of plastic waste per person, making us some of the highest waste generators in the world. 

“Reducing plastic waste will improve our environment and ensure we live up to our clean, green reputation,” David said.

A recent Wastebusters survey showed that locally, 75 per cent of people always or usually bring their own cup when buying hot drinks.

Read more: Big win for BYO cup use in Wanaka

Wastebusters said it was disappointed to see single-use plastic cups were not included in the list of items to be phased out, but David defended its omission, and said change was coming.

There is “strong support” for taking action on coffee cups, David said. The government is working with industry stakeholders to develop a plan and he said he expects it to make a decision on next steps in 2022.

The phase out of items from this week’s announcement will be staggered.

From late 2022, PVC meat trays, polystyrene takeaway packaging, EPS grocery packaging, degradable plastic products (eg, oxo and photo degradable), plastic drink stirrers, plastic stemmed cotton-buds will be phased out; by mid 2023 single-use plastic produce bags, plastic tableware (plates/bowls/cutlery), plastic straws, non-compostable produce labels will also be banned; and by mid 2025 all other polystyrene food and beverage packaging will be phased out.

PHOTO: Supplied