The Central App

Planting day for restoration project

The Central App

Maddy Harker

25 February 2025, 4:00 PM

Planting day for restoration projectMembers of the public are invited to get involved in a planting day on Saturday (March 1).

MagicLand adventure sports festival organisers plan to make progress on their goal of planting 3,000 plants and trees at Alpha Burn Station with a community planting day on Saturday (March 1).

Event co-organiser Vicki Zadrozny said MagicLand is planning to restore a large section of farmland at Alpha Burn Station - the site of MagicLand festival - with native planting.

“We have 500 plants to put in so we are welcoming you to get your hands dirty with us,” she said.

Saturday’s working bee will be the first big planting session of the project but lots of work has gone on in the background to get the project to this point, Vicki said.

“We started raising money at MagicLand last year, with the idea to plant your own tree while there, but as we grew deeper into the project we learned it wasn't that simple,” she said.

“We had to rabbit proof the area first which involved clearing the land for the fence lines, getting the materials to put fencing in, and finding the funding to do so.”

She said the Alpha Burn station had “done the hard yards” installing rabbit fencing, and a range of individuals and businesses had contributed with plants, donations and the like.

MagicLand hopes to plant 3,000 natives over the coming years, starting with up to 500 on Saturday.

The project would give back to the land and landowners, and fit the MagicLand ethos to “always try to leave places better than we found them,” Vicki said.

She said the festival was lucky to have access to Alpha Burn Station.

“It's a stunning place and we are extremely privileged to be able to use it,” she said.

Saturday’s planting day will begin from 10am - park in the Mt Aspiring View carpark and follow the signs from the road (and bring gardening tools).

Meanwhile, MagicLand festival will return on March 28-29, and it is set to feature everything from paragliding to speed flyers and paramotors to aerial performance acrobats.

Read more: MagicLand festival returns to Glendhu Bay

Find more information about MagicLand here.

PHOTO: Supplied