Aimee Wilson
17 September 2024, 5:30 PM
The committee responsible for the Lower Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve has handed the delegation back to the Central Otago District Council, and a management plan is underway.
The Vincent Community Board (VCB) agreed last week to push on with the work, given the increased popularity of the area.
A report to the board from parks and recreation manager Gordon Bailey said another group exists that also has an interest in the reserve called the Lower Manorburn Dam Working Group.
The small group of volunteers have undertaken some revegetation work in recent years and has plans to do more work, including removing wilding conifers.
Removal of the trees was originally high on council’s priority list, but government funding has since ceased, and the work was put on hold.
The wider reserve area is used for a range of activities including mountain biking, 4WD, dog walking and water related activities.
The reserve is classified as a recreation reserve under the Reserve Act 1977, but currently does not have a Reserve Management Plan.
Gordon said the adoption of the Reserve Management Plan by council would be developed with public input and provide more detail on actual work to be undertaken.
The actual dam structure is owned by the Galloway Irrigation Company.
“With council taking an active role in managing this reserve it is not envisaged that there needs to be another sub-committee. Council staff will work with all interest groups and the public as they do with all other reserves to ensure this reserve is managed and maintained to meet the needs of its users.”
The draft plan would be brought back to the VCB for consideration and approval to go out for public consultation as per the requirements of the Reserves Act 1977.
All submissions received will be considered by the board and recommendations from the submission process then included into the final plan before its adoption and the plan becoming operative.
Barrie Wills was acknowledged at the meeting by VCB chair Tamah Alley for his work over the years on the Lower Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve committee.
The committee had been involved since 1997 and many families appreciated the dam in particular, as a great place for ice skating and curling in winter, “and also a much warmer place to swim in summer,” Tamah added.