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ORC has visions of a low emissions Otago

The Central App

01 September 2024, 5:30 PM

ORC has visions of a low emissions OtagoClimate change feedback is sought from Central Otago residents. PHOTO: Joy Bennett

The Central Otago community is being asked for feedback on the Otago Regional Council’s (ORC) draft Strategic Climate Action Plan (2024-2034).

Chair Gretchen Robertson said the council has a vision for a low emissions Otago, which is resilient to the impacts of climate change and is encouraging the public to join in the discussion.

“We want to know if our vision aligns with yours. Is a changing climate of concern to you and have greenhouse gas emissions and changing climate influenced your choices when it comes to things like travel, transport, your purchases, business decisions and where you want to live?” she said.

The survey will seek feedback on council’s draft mitigation and adaptation goals and whether we could be doing more.

The results will help shape a plan aimed at enhancing the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Otago’s communities.

“It’ll help us stay proactive and closely aligned with the communities we serve, as we build resilience and navigate a changing environment and climate together.”

The survey will be open until October 6, an extended period which will allow time for feedback from the rural sector involved in the busy lambing season, she said.

The council’s draft Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034 sets out goals that ORC will adopt and actions that ORC will take to help the region reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate.


The plan will be reviewed and updated every three years – or more often if needed – to take advantage of emerging opportunities and ensure it stays on track to achieve these goals. 

Cr Robertson said council’s current workplan includes actions to help mitigate greenhouse gases and help its communities adapt to climate change, but council wants to know, are they doing enough and what should the strategy prioritise and build on?


“We want to hear from you about your climate action priorities and what you think about the draft plan,” she said.

“You can do this by reading the draft plan then completing the survey online or in hardcopy at your local library or council service centre. Your responses will inform the development of the plan and the work we do to implement it. Please read the draft Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034 first and then have your say.”


The draft Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034 can be read online at - with hard copies available from council offices, services centres and district libraries.