Aimee Wilson
21 November 2024, 4:30 PM
Clutha district Mayor Bryan Cadogan welcomed the Otago Regional Council monthly meeting into the ‘Big River’ town on Wednesday, with councillors travelling from throughout the region to attend.
The regional council held the majority of its meetings in Dunedin but several times a year also took it out to the regions, including Central Otago - its July meeting was held in Cromwell.
The recent intervention by the Government to amend the Resource Management Act prohibiting regional councils from notifying their freshwater plans (LWRP) has resulted in ongoing correspondence between the regional council and Ministers.
RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop recently said publicly there was still opportunity for the regional council to play a role in the review of the national direction for freshwater management, with the national policy statement for freshwater management (NPSFM) on track to be replaced mid-2025.
The expectation was staff would work with ministry officials, and a report to the meeting said there may be an opportunity for involvement at a governance level alongside staff input.
Council would now accept the offer for staff to work with ministry officials, and also request to have specific councillor level engagement as well.
This would enable the regional council’s experience and expertise and the region’s needs to properly inform the review process.
Cr Michael Laws thanked chief executive Richard Saunders “for encapsulating that view,” on behalf of the council, in the draft letter to ministers.
It was also noted from staff involved in the LWRP that the delay in notifying it had created some issues that would need governance direction before a replacement was notified.
Staff intended to report back to council in early 2025 on the issues identified, and some potential solutions, if required, to respond to the issues.
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