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The Central App

New council sworn in

The Central App

Rachel Jones

27 October 2022, 2:52 AM

New council sworn inCODC councillors and mayor Tim Cadogan

Eleven councillors and the mayor were invested at the inaugural Central Otago District Council (CODC) meeting of the triennium on Wednesday afternoon (October 26).

The largely ceremonial and procedural meeting saw Tim Cadogan put on the mayoral chains for a third time and 11 councillors take a declaration of office.

Council chief executive Sanchia Jacobs oversaw the mayor’s investiture, noting the mayoral chains have been worn by successive mayors since 1989 (when the CODC was established) - “an outward and visible sign” of the authority the community has invested in the mayor. 

She also reminded Tim that his role is to “watch over, advocate for and look after” all the people of Central Otago.  

Once invested, the mayor called forth the councillors to take their declarations and each promised to execute and perform their duties in the best interests of Central Otago.

Only a handful of the public showed up in person for the ceremony, but among them were the four proud children of new councillor for Cromwell Sarah Browne. 

New councillors Sarah Browne and Sally Feinerman

The other councillor new to the council table is Sally Feinerman from Teviot Valley.

Neil Gillespie was appointed deputy mayor with a unanimous vote and other appointments were made to community boards. 

There were more people seeking them than positions available for the Vincent and Cromwell boards so the mayor appointed the top polling candidates in the election. 

This meant Lynley Claridge missed out on the Vincent Community Board. Despite being the top polling candidate in the board election, she was fourth from the top at the ward level. She acknowledged why the decision was made, thanked those who voted for her and said she would do her best for the board from her council seat. 

Tim invited the two new councillors to “get their feet wet” by moving and seconding the first motion of the day.

Business swiftly dealt with, the meeting adjourned and councillors and council staff had a celebratory sausage off the BBQ. 

The next meeting will be November 9, when the councillors’ work will begin in earnest.