The Central App

Nau mai haere mai, Talofa to seasonal staff

The Central App

Anna Robb

03 November 2022, 4:30 PM

Nau mai haere mai, Talofa to seasonal staffClyde School pupils from Sarah Mueller’s class (from left) Anika, Devon, Sarah, Elli, Zaar, Kate, Lucinda, Blake, Blake, Mitchell with the welcome posters to be displayed in local retailers

A new group to improve the experiences of seasonal staff in Central has collaborated with local schools to create a visible welcome for horticulture and viticulture workers.

Seasonal Staff Manaaki is co-chaired by Welcoming Communities officer Deborah Beange and Seasonal Solutions Cooperative Ltd chief executive Shaun Fogarty.

Deborah said the group, despite being new, was already having some success.

“The latest project is to collaborate with local schools to produce welcome posters in a variety of languages to mark the annual return of seasonal staff to the area. 

So far classes at Clyde School and The Terrace School (TTS) have completed posters and Millers Flat School is currently working on posters. 

Warm welcoming words: TTS pupils in Sarah Sawers class (from left) Tom Smale, Elijah More, Felix Hildyard

The students' work has been hung up in places seasonal staff are likely to visit including New World, the Warehouse, Hospice Shop, Night ‘n’ Day, the Salvation Family Store and Thrive on Tarbert St.

TTS pupils (from left) Lexi Smart, Paige Adams, Swaye Anderson and Makayla Gare

Read an earlier story about RSE worker numbers increasing here.