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Naseby to showcase its offerings via info panels

The Central App

Alexia Anderson

17 May 2024, 5:30 PM

Naseby to showcase its offerings via info panelsManiototo Community Board members listen to Naseby Vision representatives about their hopes for information panels in the town. PHOTO: The Central App

Naseby could soon be home to information panels, thanks to an initiative driven by Naseby Vision.

Meg Garner and Elly Campbell, who are representatives of the group, spoke at the recent Maniototo Community Board meeting, putting forward their case for financial support to help make the project happen.

They said the sign aims to inform visitors about sites of interest and activities in the township.

It comes on the back of observations that many visitors use the public toilets, but don’t take the time to explore the town’s many attractions.

The aim was to create a sign that would showcase what the town has to offer and therefore make people stay longer.

“The whole reason behind it is many times we watch visitors come in, park up, look around, do a u-turn, go to the toilet and head back out,” Meg said.

An area, to the left of the town's toilets, is one possible location for the information panels. PHOTO: Supplied

“Basically, we think this information map will be for people to understand what Naseby has.”

Elly agreed, adding that the signage would also help people understand where things are in the town.

She said some visitors have been known to bypass the town centre to get to their accommodation.

“We think Naseby has a lot to offer and we’d like it more visible and [that is] why we’d like to put a notice map up.”

Naseby Vision plans to work with the Information Centre and wider community to complete the project.

The board accepted the level of significance the information panels would have, and allocated $2500 to the cause from the promotions grants budget.

However, the grant is subject to meeting consent requirements and Central Otago District Council’s approval of the location, size and design of the signage.