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Make the most of ‘Play Week’ in Central

The Central App

Anna Robb

07 November 2022, 4:30 PM

Make the most of ‘Play Week’ in Central  Need a little pizazz? It’s play week, a reason for some footpath art with your tāmariki

‘Get outside and play’ was a phrase many people grew up with - it meant burn off some energy in the fresh air and give the parents a break.

Back then, ‘Play week’ was non-existent, as were Nintendo Switches and Fortnite.

But now physical activity is declining markedly and campaigns are designed to encourage intergenerational activity.  

Sport Central is promoting ‘Play week’ this week (November 7 -13) with the theme 'Say Yes To Play' encouraging adults to enable more play for our tamariki, community and for themselves.

Together with Sport Otago and Sport New Zealand, Sport Central is encouraging the Central community to get on board.

Sport Central PE and play advisor Ella Brown said it was a priority to get people to come out and play, as it is an easy way for tamariki and whānau to stay active.

Sport Central PE and play advisor Ella Brown

Play is fun, it offers freedom and chances to take risks. It’s how tamariki learn to problem solve, get creative, make mistakes and create friendships. They get to build the attitudes, skills and life-long love of being active.

Sport Central has a play shed with equipment for hire by early learning centres, schools, community groups, clubs, workplaces or even for private birthday parties. Learn more about this service here.

Local play event and ideas include: 

  • Get arty; Sport Central is helping activate spaces through play. Chalk is available at both Cromwell, Alexandra (as of Wednesday November 9).
  • Pause and play; Pop-up play equipment being scattered at pool receptions (it’s in Cromwell on November 9).
  • Sport Central is encouraging local businesses to activate workplaces to create playstations using masking tape, paper, office furniture or equipment for office 4-square, hopscotch, paper toss, or origami. 
  • Preschool play day; behind the Cromwell pool on the greenspace there will be an inflatable obstacle course and local preschools and families are invited down for a play (on November 11).
  • Run and jump; Children aged 4-17 are welcome at Molyneux Children’s Athletics Club, in Alexandra on Mondays 5.45 -7pm. Email, for more information. 
  • Soccer sisters: Three weeks remain for this, it is a free fun skills based soccer session for primary school age girls. Thursdays 4-5pm at Molyneux Park (near the netball courts). 
  • Kahu Youth Skate Jam; this Saturday November 12 from 10 am in Wānaka’s Northlake Skate park and reserve.
  • Rad Skate School runs free drop-in sessions at various spots in Central; see their website for details.
  • Go old school; the writer's son has discovered a love of swingball, or take a frisbee to a local park with your whānau.