The Central App

Long-term principal made a difference in many lives

The Central App

Maddy Harker

15 December 2024, 4:00 PM

Long-term principal made a difference in many livesWendy and students after the ceremony.

Wānaka Primary School (WPS) students and staff farewelled outgoing principal Wendy Bamford on Friday (December 13) with an event featuring songs, dances, haka and speeches.

Wendy began her teaching career 50 years ago, teaching in Christchurch, Twizel, Omarama and Clyde before she became the WPS principal.

She is retiring at the end of this year after 20 years in the role, and early in the ceremony she was presented with a handmade quilt, to which every current student had added a logo or message.

Deputy principal Jason Cowan told Wendy he hoped it would “remind you of the difference you’ve made in so many of our lives”.

One of the pods’ performances.

Every student at the school, past or present, had special memories with Wendy, fellow deputy principal Jennie Croxford said.

She would be remembered for her “singing, playing guitar, doing drama and art - her passions”.

Fancy dress days were also a highlight for Wendy, who was once stopped by police on her daily commute from Bannockburn to Wānaka in full fancy dress, Jennie said.

Students were often sent to Wendy’s office when they had completed a standout piece of writing or art, and Wendy would cover their books in stickers after seeing or reading their work.

“Many of you are also lucky enough to have Wendy teach you in your classes,” Jennie added.

Wendy hugs a student after the haka.

Each of the school’s pods (year levels) prepared a special performance for Wendy.

Pod one sang ‘Cover Me In Sunshine’; another pod performed a rewritten version of ‘These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things’; and another performed a short play about the ‘Wonderful World of Wendy’.

The farewell ended with an emotional haka performance by the whole school.

Wendy thanked the school for “all the memories and experiences”.

“I feel very loved,” she said. “Thank you so much for the last 20 years.”

Wendy’s successor, Rob Rush, will take over as WPS’s new principal from 2025.

Read more: New principal for Wānaka Primary

PHOTOS: Wānaka App