The Central App

Local bike trails surveyed

The Central App

Anna Robb

02 February 2023, 4:45 PM

Local bike trails surveyedShare your thoughts on the Roxburgh Gorge, Clutha Gold and Lake Dunstan trails online

Have you walked, cycled or run along the Roxburgh Gorge, Clutha Gold or Lake Dunstan trails this season?

Online surveys about the three are currently open for people to take part in. 

Each survey takes ten minutes and survey responses are required to help the trail network to secure future funding for maintenance.

Trails manager Shayne O’Connor said he was targeting 350 responses for each trail.

Questions include how you found the trail, what you saw, who you met, and how was the food, drink and service.

Shayne said the wet spring has caused heaps of grass to grow and he’s been busy tackling it at various spots.

“The grass has gone mad and is encroaching on the trails, making some areas narrower.

“People will notice we’re clearing off areas of Roxburgh Gorge and Clutha Gold…. It’s a lot of weed control [and] grass control.”

Shayne working on a Central trail

In terms of traffic on the trails, Shayne said if you are after peace and quiet early in the morning is best.

“Traditionally there is a dip off as holiday makers go back to work in February… In March and April things will ramp up again.”

Complete the surveys here: Roxburgh Gorge, Clutha Gold and Lake Dunstan.

If you spot any issues on the trails contact Shayne on 021 371 677.

Find out about local bike rides on the Cycling|Walking button on the Things to Do menu.