The Central App

Left turn entry only into Muttontown Rd

The Central App

22 February 2023, 4:30 PM

Left turn entry only into Muttontown Rd Decision taken not to completely close the intersection

To improve safety at the SH8 Clyde-Alexandra Road/Muttontown Road intersection, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has opted for a left turn only into Muttontown Road. 


Safety was the main reason for proposing a full, permanent closure of the intersection, says Waka Kotahi Director of Regional Relationships James Caygill.


One fatal and two non-injury crashes at this location occurred in the last five years.


“It’s also in response to work by both the Central Otago District Council and Waka Kotahi on the Council’s Clyde Plan Change 15,” he said.


“Safety deficiencies make the intersection unsuitable for managing traffic growth in this area from major land development changes. The cost of an upgrade isn’t justified with a safer alternative nearby at the Sunderland Street intersection.”

 Nearly 50 submissions were received and carefully considered before deciding on a left-turn entry  only at this intersection rather than a complete closure.  Several submitters preferred this option.


A left turn in only, provides a safe option and retains access for those travelling from Alexandra to the Dunstan Hospital and onto Clyde.  

Future upgrades planned at the nearby SH8/Sunderland Street intersection, including a separated left turn only traffic lane, will further manage safety for drivers using this intersection, James said.


Design and construction funding has been approved and, subject to contractor availability, is expected to start later this year.