Aimee Wilson
29 August 2024, 5:45 PM
It might feel like winter is over, but some mornings are still catching motorists out and police are finding drivers are often unprepared for their journey.
Alexandra Police Senior Constable Graham Perkins said obscure windscreens that hadn’t been cleared properly could see motorists faced with a $150 fine.
“Take your time, leave early and prepare well for your trip. It’s better to be late than dead on time,” he said.
Over the past week there has also been some instances of black ice later in the morning around 8am, even after it had been a frost-free night, he said.
Snr Const Perkins said Central Otago roads were definitely getting busier as the population increased, and in particular early in the mornings with a lot of commercial business on the highways.
“We’re getting a lot of people going through to bigger centres . . . a lot of freight, because of where we live, we are isolated, so everything has to be transported.”
Luckily this winter, while it had been cold and the season started earlier this year, there had been no road closures in the district, other than the Lindis Pass.
“It has just been dark and cold,” he said.
Tourists in smaller campervans towing trailers and often in convoy also continued to be a hazard on the highways, as well as passing on yellow lines.
“Just be safe out there,” he said.
Listen to more on how police have tackled driving on our roads this winter, on this week’s The Outlet podcast.