The Central App

Kōrero Māori – Give te reo a go

The Central App

21 November 2021, 10:52 PM

Kōrero Māori – Give te reo a go

Tēnā koutou - hello everyone.

Kei te pēhea koe? How are you going in your te reo journey?  

We've talked about te huarere, the weather.

Kei te pēhea te huarere? How’s the weather?

Te āhua nei ka paki. It looks as though it will be fine.

Tōna tikanga ka paki. It’s meant to be fine.

This week, we’ll kōrero a little more and explore more descriptions for our Central Otago weather.

As I write this, it is windy! Kei te pupuhi te hau.

Hau is the word for wind.

You can add words to hau to describe the type of wind.

Hau maiangi is a light wind; hau pūkeri is a strong wind.

Kei te pupuhi te hau maiangi.

I could also say: It’s windy today.

He rangi hauhau tēnei.

Rangi means day. Tēnei is a word that you use when referring to the present.

Use this phrase and just replace wera with the appropriate word that describes the weather you’re experiencing.

He rangi wera tēnei. It’s hot today.

He rangi hāuaua tēnei. It’s rainy today.

He rangi kāpuapua tēnei. It’s cloudy today.

Nau mai te raumati! Bring on summer!

Kōrero some more about the weather with a friend this week, and Kia kaha te mahi tahi - Do your best to work together.

Kia pai te rā - Have a great day.

For more, check out te wiki o te reo Māori here