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Kōrero Māori – Give te reo a go

The Central App

26 September 2021, 9:37 PM

Kōrero Māori – Give te reo a goJoin us in our Māori language journey through our Monday te reo Māori series.

Tēnā koutou - hello everyone.

Kei te pēhea koe? How are you going in your te reo journey?  

We’ve been talking about sports. We asked the question: He aha te wā o te kēmu? What time’s the game? And we’ve talked about the different sports and sports teams. Kei te tākaro poitarawhiti  - We’re playing netball.

We also learned to encourage people to work as a team, a phrase that is useful in many situations.

Kia kaha te mahi tahi - Do your best to work together.

This week, when the players arrive home, ask them about their game:

Ko wai i toa? Who won?

E hia te tapeke? What was the score? and maybe you might comment on a close game:

I tata! - It was close!

And then congratulate the players:

Ka mau te wehi! - Fantastic!

And perhaps:

Me whakanui tātou! - Let’s celebrate!

You can replace whakanui, to celebrate with:

whakangahau - have fun

pāti - party

Stay safe everyone - we’ll talk more next time.

Kia pai te rā - Have a great day.

For more, check out te wiki o te reo Māori here