12 September 2021, 6:49 PM
Tēnā koutou - hello everyone.
How are you going in your te reo journey? It’s great to hear people giving te reo a go with me.
Last week, we talked about purei kēmu, playing games, while we were in lockdown. With the welcome return to level 2, we’ll be getting back into sports, so I thought that could be a good topic for this week.
Remember the question from last week: He aha te kēmu? What’s the game?
If you practised asking that question, you’ll find it easy to extend the sentence slightly and ask:
He aha te wā o te kēmu? What time’s the game?
Telling time is simple to do. Begin each time phrase with the number, and end each phrase with karaka, which means o’clock.
Kotahi karaka - One o’clock,
Rua karaka - Two o’clock
Rima karaka - Five o’clock.
If you want to say half past the hour, use haurua half and i for past the hour.
Haurua i te rua karaka - Half past two,
Haurua i te rima karaka - Half past five.
Or maybe:
Kua tīmata kē - It’s already started!
Practice telling the time this week. The numbers you need to know are:
tahi - 1,
rua - 2,
toru - 3,
whā - 4,
rima - 5,
ono - 6,
whitu - 7,
waru - 8,
iwa - 9,
tekau - 10,
tekau mā tahi - 11, and
tekau mā rua - 12.
Stay safe and healthy everyone - we’ll talk more about sports next week.
Kia pai te rā - Have a great day.
For more, check out te wiki o te reo Māori here