29 August 2021, 6:08 PM
Tēnā koutou - hello everyone.
How are you going in your te reo journey? It’s great to hear people giving te reo a go with me.
Last week we got topical and talked about te māuiui - illness.
Kei te pēhea koe? How are you?
Kei te māuiui ahau - I’m not feeling well.
He aha te mate? - What’s wrong?
We explore some replies to these questions that are relevant for this time of year.
Kua pā mai te rewharewha. - I’ve come down with the flu.
You can replace rewharewha, the word for flu, with other options, like
maremare - cough
ngāruru - headache
I hope none of us need to use this, but remember from last week, the Māori phrase for Coronavirus is mate corona.
Here’s an example of how to describe symptoms:
Ngā tohu: he kirikā, he ngāruru, he mamae ki te tuarā, he ruaki. - The symptoms are: a fever, headaches, back pain and vomiting.
If you’re māuiui sick and you’ve got to tell your rangatira boss you can’t come in to mahi:
Kāore au e kaha ki te haere ki te mahi - I’m not fit to go to work.
Last but not least, this is a phrase I’ve started using when someone tells me they are feeling ill.
Kia piki te ora. Get well.
Stay safe and healthy everyone. Kia pai te rā - Have a great day.
Check out te wiki o te reo Māori here