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International pilot to feature at Warbirds

The Central App

04 January 2024, 4:00 PM

International pilot to feature at Warbirds Dean ‘Wilbur’ Wright in front of an AT-38B Talon.

One of the star international pilots signed up for Easter’s Warbirds Over Wānaka airshow will be flying as part of the American Eagles jet display team.


Dean ‘Wilbur’ Wright and three compatriots will be flying L-39 jets, the same aircraft type they fly as members of The Patriots Display team in the US.

The Patriots Jet team is widely considered the best civilian jet team currently in the US.

During his Air Force career Wilbur has flown numerous aircraft types including the F-16, F-18, F-117, A-10 Warthog, AT-33B and Hawk trainers along with the Harrier jump jet while on exchange with the RAF. 

He has flown 151 combat hours and has a total of 4,000 fighter hours. 

He said the L-39s have some interesting characteristics when it comes to formation flying.

“The engine has a dramatic lag in its response meaning when you push the power up, the engine’s thrust will not increase for several seconds which can seem like an eternity in the middle of a loop.”

Wilbur in front of an RAF Harrier Jump Jet.

Wilbur says the L-39 is not as loud, not as big and not as fast as the F-16 or the F-18 but it makes up for that with its speed through a small turning radius. This makes for a display that stays in front of the crowd. 

“With our performance you won’t see those typical dead times between manoeuvres that you normally see with other jet teams.”

The American Eagles will be performing on all three days of Warbirds Over Wanaka, March 29, 30 and 31.


Wilbur said he still gets goosebumps when he sees an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter-bomber in a museum. The Lockheed F-117 was the first stealth fighter aircraft to be deployed by the United States Air Force and Wilbur flew the aircraft on numerous missions during the second Gulf War.


Other highlights of Wilbur’s military career were being selected to fly in the USAF’s Thunderbirds F-16 jet display team, and flying the RAF flying Harrier Jump Jets.  

PHOTOS: Supplied