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Simply Central: The 10.30 question

The Central App

Mary Hinsen

28 August 2021, 6:55 PM

Simply Central: The 10.30 questionThis question might just provide the answer you need to get more done in your day.

The 10.30 question has been life-changing for me. 

Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.

During my lockdown reading, I stumbled upon a suggestion on a blog I follow.  This suggestion has since become extremely useful in helping me get through the long list of To Do’s I carefully write out each morning. 

As someone who mainly works from home, asking this question works better for me than any of the productivity hype or apps I have found online.

It’s called the 10.30 question.

What would I get done if I only had until 10.30am to work each day?

Each morning, this is now the first question I ask myself when I sit down at my desk to begin work.

I figure out the answer. Then I do it.

I find that in order to get those urgent things done, I spend less time looking at my inbox. I make my coffee before I start work. I fend off distractions by putting on noise cancelling headphones, and the music I play helps me focus and relax into working.

Suddenly, I am getting a lot more of my work done before 10.30am each morning, and a lot more achieved overall.

Better To-Do list prioritisation helps, but it can be tough to feel that sense of urgency when there’s a whole day stretching out in front of you. 

It’s often hard to know where to start. It’s all too easy to opt for ticking off the quick jobs first, then decide it’s time to stop for a coffee to give myself an energy boost.

Things get added to the list - as they always do.

Then, at the end of the day, my To-Do list is just as long as when I started, and I end up working at night.

It turns out, when I tackle my Must-Dos with urgency, procrastination disappears, the decks clear and time opens up.

When Must-Dos get done first, the rest of the day feels far more relaxed and I’m less likely to be putting in late nights catching up with work.

All that equals more time for family, friends - and for me.

More rest, better sleep, more time for play equals better work, and better life. 

What would YOU get done if you only had until 10.30am to work each day?
