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HR: Writing Job Ads: Your 5-Step Guide

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Sarah Millwater - HR Contributor

29 April 2024, 4:54 AM

HR: Writing Job Ads: Your 5-Step Guide

The word on the street is that using job titles or language like Superstar, Rockstar, Boy/Girl Friday, or Ninja in job advertisements may not be as effective nowadays when seeking candidates to join your team.

It can say more about you than the potential candidates.

And let's be honest, we all embody these qualities when we're in a fulfilling role, appreciated, and working at our very best ability!

So here are some top tips for kicking off your recruitment campaign in the right vain!

1. Grab Attention with an Engaging Title

Think creatively to capture the interest of your perfect candidate. What would make them pause and take notice? Consider what unique opportunities your position offers: flexible working hours, school hours, remote work, health insurance, training, and career development!

2. Keep It Clear and Concise

In a world of information overload, brevity is key.

Write with clarity, using action verbs to make your ad easy to read. Trim unnecessary words and streamline your message, drawing from the job description – we all love a few bullet points! You should be able to easily condense all your details into 250 words.

And to really kick your job listing up a notch, getting current employees involved adds that extra touch of authenticity.

You may feel the need to include lots of details about your business but anyone worth their salt will go straight to your website and socials and find that information out for themselves.

Additionally, if you include the hourly rate/salary range, you are going to get over 40% more engagement. People don’t enjoy ambiguity when it comes to money, so take the awkwardness out of those initial conversations. It will save a lot of backwards and forwards later in the recruitment process.

3. Define Your Ideal Candidate

Paint a clear picture of who you're looking for. Developing a "target candidate persona" helps you go beyond basic qualifications and envision the perfect fit for your team.

Also, think about the kind of person you don't want to attract. If you need a strong leader, make that clear. If a nurturing vibe is what you need, then focus on that in your wording.

4. Showcase Your Company's Appeal

Highlight what makes your company stand out from the competition. If you have company values that you put into action, then this is where you can really shine! Emphasise exciting projects, growth opportunities, and benefits. Let potential candidates see why joining your team is a game-changer for their career.

5. Outline the Application Process

Make the hiring process seamless and straightforward to encourage qualified candidates to apply. For instance, instead of a lengthy instruction, opt for a direct call to action like: "Send CV & cover letter to: [address]."

You can also include a closing date for applications, but this might run the risk of discouraging a great applicant from applying if it’s a few days past. You can take advertisements down once you have decided to move forward to interviewing.

Need some help?

For guidance in recruitment and retention, your local specialist team EASI NZ are happy to help in all or any parts of the recruitment process. From developing job descriptions to reference checking, we are here for you!