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HR & Recruitment: AI – Am I going to be out of a job?

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Louise Merrall - HR Contributor

20 June 2023, 4:00 PM

HR & Recruitment: AI – Am I going to be out of a job?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the talk of the town with at times polarising views expressed about how it’s going to revolutionize our work and take over the world. 

I must admit I am cautious about its impact but, as I see the potential positives, I am coming round to the fact that it could be a useful tool if used correctly.

I emphasise tool because as it stands that is exactly what AI is. At least for now, it is not going to completely replace the work done by us humans, but it could help to streamline things and help us work more efficiently. 

Will this mean people being replaced? Again, it certainly won’t replace a whole workforce, but it could mean that some more basic work might be AI generated, freeing up time and resources to focus on more knowledge intensive, creative, or nuanced efforts.

Writing employment agreements is one of my “bread and butter” tasks – so to test out whether I am likely to be replaced imminently by a robot I asked Chat GPT to draft a fixed term agreement under New Zealand Law, giving it certain parameters to include.

I must say, I was rather underwhelmed! There were key areas missing – I thought it might give me an agreement that at least met the minimum requirement for NZ laws, and I accepted that it may not be well tailored to my “mock business” but, unfortunately it fell short of even that. 

AI is still learning. Over time the information Chat GPT is using will be updated, but key components of what we do require human input.

In HR that means ensuring employment paperwork is not only meeting legal requirements, but also that it is used appropriately in the given context and tailored to meet our clients’ business objectives.

That said, I do love Chat GPT when I am completely stuck for words or everything I come up with sounds clunky and awkward. I can type in the basics of what I am trying to convey, and it can provide me with numerous suggestions which I might tweak or combine to get the tone I am seeking.   

I am certainly only at the beginning of my AI journey; I have recently heard of other AI integrations in apps that we use that could help to streamline work and allow time to be focused on client projects.

So, am I worried about AI replacing me? No, at least not yet. I still tread with caution, but used as a tool rather than to replace a person AI could help to support us in achieving excellent results while focussing our energies on the more complex areas of our work.

At EASI NZ we can help you to make sure that your employment paperwork (whether it is drafted by us, you, a template or a robot!) is fully compliant with NZ legislation, that you are implementing it correctly in your business, all while ensuring it ties in with achieving your business objectives.