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HR: Go on, Dream A Little!

The Central App

Carrie Vaugh - Easi NZ

29 July 2024, 5:00 PM

HR: Go on, Dream A Little! How long-term goals can be an extremely motivating factor for your professional and personal life

Understanding your dreams and the motivations behind your hard work can offer profound insights.

Why do you pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business? What's your ultimate goal? Where do you see yourself in the future? What truly brings you joy?

Reflecting on these questions can be enlightening for both you and those around you.

So why dream?

Often, we don't take the time to think about the future, but having personal goals and aspirations to look forward to is more important than we often realise.

Envisioning your dreams is not only beneficial for you but also serves as excellent role modelling and can spark engaging conversations with colleagues.

Sharing your dreams can provide others with a unique glimpse into your motivations and what drives you.

Of course, you don't have to share anything you're not comfortable with. Whether your dream is medieval cosplay or something else entirely, all power to you!


The positive psychological effects of pursuing goals by Dr. Patrick Keelan:

We would recommend reading the article below as it highlights that goals provide purpose in everyday life, boost self-esteem, offer structure, improve time management, and help manage stress. Another additional effect of goal setting is that working toward goals can foster positive social relationships.

Each of these aspects contributes to a more fulfilling and balanced life, illustrating why having dreams and striving for them can be crucial to our happiness and mental health.

Remembering or setting goals.

Here is a quick exercise you can do right now!!

Grab a pen and paper and write three headings:

  • Experiences
  • Growth
  • Contribution


Now get the timer open on your phone and set it for 90 seconds. Try to not think too hard during this exercise.

Start the timer and under “Experiences” write down anything that comes to mind that on your last day alive you would want to have experienced. You could list places to visit, personal achievements, meaningful relationships, health goals.

Imagine you have no obstacles or financial constraints and just go for it until the timer stops.

Now, under the “Growth” heading, do the same. Think about ways you'd like to grow in intellectual pursuits, character traits, health, fitness, and spiritual growth.

Finally, under the “Contribution” heading list ways to give back: volunteering, helping others, sharing knowledge, supporting causes. How can this enrich your life?

Writing down your life goals makes them concrete and helps us see how they can contribute to a deeper sense of fulfilment. 

How Easi NZ can help.

At EASI NZ we love to support small to medium businesses realise their potential. By understanding your goals and dreams it enables us to tailor our recruitment and HR services effectively, aligning strategies to achieve personal and business aspirations seamlessly.

Get in touch today and see how we help get you on the right track for your business, people and clients to make those dreams become a reality!

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