The Central App

Fabric, food, and fungi among council-funded waste projects

The Central App

11 August 2023, 5:06 PM

Fabric, food, and fungi among council-funded waste projectsOne of the recipients is community textile workshop Fabricate.

Fifteen waste reduction projects will receive funding thanks to Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) Waste Minimisation Community Fund (WMCF).


This year the $64,533 in funding focused on initiatives using textile waste, reuse initiatives, green and food waste, with local groups including Fabricate, Wānaka Squash Club and three local early childhood centres receiving a boost for their projects.

QLDC waste minimisation project officer Kath Buttar said the ongoing goal of the fund is to  support community efforts that help move the Queenstown Lakes towards becoming a sustainable, zero-waste district.


“It’s really encouraging to see individuals and groups striving to make a positive impact towards reducing waste in such creative ways.”


Wānaka Squash Club will use its grant for a waste audit to determine how much and what type of waste goes to landfill. The results will support strategies to reduce waste that can be shared with other clubs, the club said.

At community textile workshop Fabricate, the grant will help with ongoing costs to offer the facility and its services to the community. 

Grants for three Upper Clutha early childhood centres (Mountainside Educare, Aspiring Beginnings Early Learning Centre and Kids First Kindergarten) will go to sustainability education for students and developing on-site composting or waste reduction.

There were 15 successful applicants from a total of 23. 

QLDC general manager property and infrastructure Tony Avery said every project that received funding had displayed a dedication to the fund’s objectives to reduce waste in some way.


“Ultimately, minimising waste in our district is crucial if we want to build a more sustainable future, and QLDC is proud to embrace and support community-led waste reduction projects that move us towards this goal,” he said.


The next round of the Waste Minimisation Community Fund (WMCF) will launch in early 2024.

PHOTO: Fabricate