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The Central App

End the year with a clear conscience

The Central App

Cathy Romeyn

20 December 2022, 4:30 PM

End the year with a clear conscienceCentral Otago Libraries are offering a chance to clear overdue book fees

If you want to end the year with a clear conscience, you’re in luck, as Central Otago libraries are offering a ‘get out of jail free card’ for anyone with library fines hanging over them. 

To wipe any outstanding fees, just go to your local library before 1.30pm on Saturday (December 24) and - in exchange for a donation of a can of food or other non-perishable food item, toiletries or cleaning products - the library will waive your overdue book fines.  

One donated can will wipe $5 off any money owing.

Many people are guilty of returning a library book late; be it procrastination, misplacing the book or simply forgetting. It can be especially problematic finding and returning children’s books – they often simply get “lost”. 

Cromwell library team leader Vicki Darling is passionate about books being available to everyone and is keen for anyone feeling uncomfortable about outstanding fees to pop in.  

“We really don’t want parents to stop using the library for their children because of a fine,” she said. 

Vicki with early exchanges. All goods will go to the local foodbank  

The local foodbank has been especially busy this year due to many families doing it tough.

“We are always very grateful for the support we get from our incredible community,” Cromwell foodbank coordinator Adrienne Stuart said.

The library is also encouraging children to keep reading over the holidays. Research shows that reading ability in children drops when they put down books over the break. 

To prevent this ‘summer slide’, the Summer Challenge is a fun way of getting kids to pick up any reading material and track their way through a series of indoor and outdoor activities. 

Game on 

Completed entries go in the draw to win a $50 Paper Plus voucher.

You can pick up an entry at the library or sign up online.