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Dunstan High School celebrates success of seniors

The Central App

Anna Robb

07 November 2022, 4:45 PM

Dunstan High School celebrates success of seniorsKieran Boyd (left) Dunstan High School’s (DHS) Proxime Accessit and Dux Maz Cameron for 2022 (right).

Dunstan High School issued a swathe of awards to top students at senior prizegiving last Wednesday evening (November 2). 

The award for Dux went to Maz Cameron and Keiran Boyd was Proxime Accessit.

Gongs were handed out acknowledging academic, sporting, cultural and leadership contributions of students.

Family and friends were able to attend in person and a live stream of the event was also shared on DHS’s Facebook page. 

Hannah Tait (with principal Reece Goldsmith) was acknowledged for her outstanding contribution to school life

Central Otago District mayor Tim Cadogan attended the event and said he felt “lifted by the hope, the promise, the time-in-hand that these young ones have”.

Find the list of special awards below.

Merits and merits with distinction were also awarded for each year level (year 11, 12 and 13). Due to space constraints The Central App is unable to publish these lists.

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) examinations kicked off this week. 

Exams end on December 2, by which time around 142,000 students will have participated in 134 NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship exam sessions.

“More than 65,000 students from around 380 schools are entered to sit some NCEA or NZ Scholarship exams online.

“The continuing increase in students who enter for digital exams shows that schools are preparing their students for a connected and high-tech future,” Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti said.

Information for students and resources to help cope with exam pressure, are here.

Read also: Cromwell College senior prizegiving

Read also: column from the mayor

Special awards

Jenna Airey; Contribution to sport award and Prime Minister's vocational excellence award  

Jessica Ballantyne; David McKenzie award for all round excellence

Kieran Boyd; Proxime Accessit

Jacob Bromby; Year 12 Sciences scholarship

Maz Cameron; Dux, David Richardson trophy, construction and engineering 

DHS 1st XI Cricket; Sports team of the year

Vanessa Gallagher; Female excellence in two or more sciences

Pania Geary; Manaakitanga award

Tom Goldsmith; Sportsman of the year cup

Nina Hamilton; Hostel student

George Hazlett; Debbie Vercoe cup

Tabitha Hildeyard; Jubilee cup and Lions club scholarship

Pipi Horan; Sportswomen of the year

Caleb Ludlow; Year 11 sciences scholarship

Maria McKeen; Contribution to performing arts 

Isla Melton; Central Otago Arts Society, Dream It, Plan It scholarship and RSA scholarship

Felix Schaap; Commerce scholarship

Eryn Scott; Hostel student

Charlie Shaw; Tai Poutini Polytechnic

Neve Spooner; Sports fair play award

Hannah Tait; Outstanding contribution to school life

Myah Turnbull; Mana Pounamu award

Eben Vermaak;  Excellence in arts and languages

Millie Williams; Lions Club Clyde and Districts Borland Lodge scholarship

Aimee Wright; RSA scholarship

Year 13 cups and prizes

Jessica Ballantyne; English prize

Kieran Boyd; French prize

Maz Cameron; Biology prize, Chemistry prize, Physics prize, Calculus prize

Tabitha Hildyard: Statistics prize

Pipi Horan; Physical Education prize

Maria Mckeen; Drama prize

Isla Melton; Geography prize, Mathematics with Statistics prize

Bridget Mullally; Food and Nutrition prize

Mekah O'Neill; Food and Nutrition prize

Tisse Risteyn; DTG prize

Felix Schaap; Economics prize

Charlie Shaw; Primary Science prize

Hannah Tait; Music prize, History prize

Seb Waldron; DET prize

Sophie Walker; Agriculture/Horticulture prize, DVC prize and Art prize

Year 12 cups and prizes

Kiana Haira-Webby; Te Ao Māori prize

Byron Hammond; Music prize

Brooklyn Harrington;  Drama prize

Tasia Hill-Alexander; DTG prize

Rafferty Love; DET prize

Grace Moir; Art prize

Judde Paris; English prize

Niki Schouten; DVC prize

Patrick Stratford; Primary Science prize

Year 11 cups and prizes

Anya Pieterse; Art prize

Grainne Reilly; Drama prize

Megan De Cort; DTG prize

Caleb Ludlow; Art prize

Isla Nelson; DVC prize

Mika Tait; Music prize