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Districtisation debate divides Central Otago

The Central App

Aimee Wilson

31 July 2024, 5:30 PM

Districtisation debate divides Central OtagoThe Ida MacDonald Trust Pool is one example the Teviot Valley Community is concerned will be lost to council ownership under districtisation. PHOTO: File

The Teviot Valley Community Board (TVCB) has joined Cromwell in submitting against districtisation, but the Vincent Community Board is in support, while nothing has been said from the Maniototo.

The Central Otago District Council (CODC) agreed today to carry out formal consultation about the proposed changes with the community during August, followed by hearings and deliberations.

In a report to council from staff, it was noted that over the past 20 years council has engaged in consultation to the community to rate certain activities across the district rather than by ward level. 

This was because it was particularly challenging in the less populated wards to maintain services given the fewer ratepayers in these areas to spread the cost across. 

In the mid 1990s roading was changed to a district rate rather than a ward rate, and in 2015 council engaged with the community to change the funding of three waters to be at the district level rather than at the ward level. 

The report said any decision to further districtise services will not impact level of services in each ward, these would remain the same levels as they are now until there was a decision by council to alter those.

The Cromwell Community Board has expressed several concerns about the proposal, and chair Anna Harrison also spoke at the meeting.

The submission stated they were concerned that ‘wealthier’ wards such as Cromwell will subsidise the rest of the district, which will result in potential perceived loss for Cromwell ratepayers.

Teviot board members' concerns included an example using the recently completed Punawai Ora pool project, where $2.7 million was raised to ensure the community had a safe place to swim.

“The Ida MacDonald Trust Pool is just one of the many recreational facilities the Teviot Valley is proud of. How could TVCB support CODC taking ownership of the pool to capitalise on the depreciation of the asset and spread the financial benefits across the district, and then charge the very people who worked to build it an extra $233 per year in rates for the privilege?” the submission from Teviot Valley Community Board members stated.

The Vincent board supports the proposal and notes the challenges of the current economic climate and the challenges of the current rating system.

“The board is, however, concerned that there is a risk that the importance of community boards is diminished,” Vincent Community Board members stated.

 However, they did stress that council and community boards will need to work in partnership to meet the needs of the community, so they do not become a voiceless advisory group.

The final decision will be made at the council meeting on September 25.