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The Central App

Digital phone courses answering a call in Central

The Central App

Alexia Anderson

06 May 2024, 5:45 PM

Digital phone courses answering a call in CentralStan Cornes (left) navigates his cell phone with guidance from digital tutor Sonia Keogh. PHOTO: The Central App

Help is at hand for people across Central who want to navigate their cell phone with more ease.

Central Otago Reap is running a series of free digital phone courses, providing people with guidance and handy hints on how to use their phone, no matter whether it's an iPhone or Android.

The course, held over five weeks for two hours at a time, is limited to four people so digital tutor Sonia Keogh can provide one-on-one time with each participant.

Sonia said the course was developed by Age Concern during Covid-19 lockdowns, when they realised so many people didn’t know how to use their cell phone.

She said for many people it was their only form of contact during that time, and while their phones had the capability of connecting them with the outside world, particularly with the likes of video calls, many didn’t know how to access the function.

Taking part in a recent Roxburgh digital phone course are Geraldine Cook (left) and Arthur Moore. PHOTO: Supplied

Sonia is currently hosting two courses - one in Alexandra and one in Roxburgh, with more regularly becoming available.

At the end of each course, an extra session is hosted about online safety, which someone from Central Otago Budgeting Services also attends to assist with questions around topics like online banking.

The final session on online safety is open to as many people that will fit in the room.

Sonia said the courses are growing in popularity, but the key was to make people aware that the free course was available.

For more information about other upcoming digital phone courses phone CO Reap on 448 6115.    

CO Reap also has a range of other courses on offer, which can be viewed on their website.