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Cromwell woman goes pink for good cause

The Central App

Anna Robb

15 October 2023, 4:45 PM

Cromwell woman goes pink for good causeBreast cancer survivor Beth King is volunteering as Cromwell area coordinator for the second year running for Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand’s Pink Ribbon Appeal (October 27-28). PHOTO: Supplied

Cromwell woman Beth King is on a mission to give back to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

Beth (70) remembers the date of her mastectomy well - it was February 14, 2022 - and she now plans to give back to the organisation, ultimately supporting the many other people who will call on the service in the future.

Her breast cancer journey started when she noticed discomfort while having a massage, a gift for her 69th birthday in December 2021.

Her friend, who gave her the massage voucher, insisted she go to the doctor about the painful lump.

Beth lived in Timaru at the time, and her doctor initially said “it feels quite soft, don't be too concerned . . . but, go for a mammogram to be on the safe side”.

It was January 11 when the nurse said “a calcification . . . quite a big one”, showed up on the mammogram. 

On the day Beth was there, a radiographer from Christchurch happened to be down for the day, a second mammogram was completed and she was told she needed a biopsy.

Four needles later they said the result would be analysed and the experts would let her know the results in a week. 

An appointment with a surgeon followed and they asked her what she wanted to do.

Beth opted for a mastectomy, just one side, and now regards herself one of the lucky ones, as  her lymph nodes were clear so she didn't have to have chemotherapy or radiation. 

She was advised to take hormone therapy tamoxifen for five years. After 18 months of “awful quality of life” and side effects she’s come off the drug. 

“Every year I have to have a mammogram of my other breast. There’s six month check ups for the first three years . . . but the consultant comes to Dunstan Hospital for that.

“I was lucky and I had guilt feelings about being lucky . . . I’ve gone through it and come out the other side.” 

Last year was the first time she volunteered as a Pink Ribbon area coordinator, and she’s back again.

Beth will be stationed outside Cromwell Fresh Choice on Saturday October 28 for the whole day.

“I’m not an extrovert at all, but put me in a pink top with a pink sash and I can be outgoing.”

Beth said she has had two sister in laws with breast cancer, along with a niece and her dad’s mother. 

“One of my sister in laws had six years of chemo and radiation and she died at 60. My niece had both breasts off at 33 and died at 39.”

Her advice for those battling the disease is to listen to your doctors and your body. 

“Get your support group around you, friends and family . . . and don’t Google it. With one in nine New Zealand women getting diagnosed every day there is too much of it going on.”

BCFNZ chief executive Ah-Leen Rayner said the charity was doing vital work to stop Kiwis dying of breast cancer.

“We rely entirely on the goodwill of generous New Zealanders. By contributing just two hours of your time, you’ll be making a massive difference to help us to kick breast cancer to the kerb this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”


Every year, about 240 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the southern region. 

All of the money raised from the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal goes towards BCFNZ work to advance breast cancer research, educate Kiwis about the importance of early detection and support patients through their treatment and recovery.

Volunteers need to sign up to help the Pink Ribbon appeal in Alexandra as well as in other parts of Central Otago by midday on October 26.

The annual Pink Ribbon Street Appeal is on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 October and volunteers are needed for two-hour collection shifts at a time and location that suits them.

Alexandra coordinator Kate Snape said locations people were needed for were outside New World, Paper Plus and Four Square for a range of times. Contact Kate on [email protected] to help. 


For information visit Pink Ribbon Appeal website