The Central App


The Central App

Constable Andrew Bremner

05 July 2021, 3:40 AM


Normally the Crimeline is done by one of the Sunday late shift members, but they were too busy.

So, it’s Monday after the morning tea break and I am typing it out now. How wonderful modern technology is. I had to laugh as well as I have done the radio broadcast on Radio Wanaka and I listened to it. The sound of your voice changes to someone that you just wouldn’t recognise. Strange that. But ... not as strange as the week we have had in Wanaka.

Things have moved from when we were just a sleepy town with a couple of odd matters to deal with. Now we have people stealing red light traffic cameras, shooting at the lights and going through red lights.

The classic Kiwi train of thought, the ‘Yeah-Na” one, often gets us into trouble.

The “Yeah” standing for... um yes, I understand what you’re saying and I truly believe that you have a valid point I can see its merits and the thought process and the reasons why this would be the best action to take. I can see that this could cause others pain, damage and even hurt me.

The “Na” standing for…. look I have taken your valid points into consideration. But at this time, I am not going to take that into consideration. I have made the choice to ignore all and will just do whatever I want, as I am the master of my own domain. Many times this week, that has been played out in our communities’ minds.

Drink driver, second time within 2 years. Lost his licence for 28 days even before he goes to court. Drinking in town is fun. Being the person who everyone stops and looks at as you create so much self-inflicted fuss, is just stupid. Know when to say 'when'. Your mates should play that role and say 'when' for you. Thank them for that.

Crash on the Hāwea turn-off. If you are coming from Hāwea and turning right to go to Wanaka look at the arrows on the lanes. The first lane, nearest to you is where you are to drive into, not the middle, that’s for straight through vehicles from Luggate. If you are going down Riverbank Road, please turn right into the nearest lane and then move across to the turning lane to turn left.

E-bike stolen from Beech Road over the last couple of weeks.

Cyclists, wear your helmet. Put lights on front and back. A mate of mine in Christchurch had his wife knocked off her bike, not on purpose though. She took over three years and many surgeries to get back to work. Please make yourself visible.

Some youths in Albert Town are coming to the notice of police, know where your young ones are!

Snow will come they keep saying. This will bring hundreds if not thousands of people. The town will thrive, people will spend money and folks will be grateful for the snowsports that will be had.

Locals we need to show them how driving in this area is special. From the 40km/h that we all know in the built-up areas to the country roads where anything can be found including rocks, ice, firewood, boats that come off trailers, deer, pigs, sheep, cows and horses and that’s just the road out to Lake Hāwea. Slow down and make sure tomorrow does come around for you.