The Central App


The Central App

Sergeant Kim Chirnside

17 May 2021, 12:55 AM


Well it is a while since I sat down to write the Crimeline, autumn is nearly over, and it has been very mild.

We will soon be heading into winter hopefully with some snow for a good winter season. Remember as we get ready for winter it is a good time to check over the vehicles so we can ensure they are safe to use in the snow and ice to come.

The skis and snowboards are meant to be waxed and smooth, not vehicle tyres.

Monday saw police carry out an operation targeting motorists and passengers not wearing seat belts. Six tickets to offenders issued, one unfortunately was arrested for an unrelated matter.

Tuesday saw police deal with a family harm matter of a minor nature, and we received concerns regarding a homeless man begging near the night and day. Difficult times are upon us and police are trying to engage with other agencies to assist anyone in this situation.

Thursday saw police again assisting psychiatric services with a male that needed transporting to care in Dunedin. Please if you or a relative or friend are struggling, access these services as soon as you can.

Police apprehended a person for driving with excess breath alcohol.

Saturday saw a minor vehicle collision on the Crown Range Road, thankfully the driver was unhurt.

Saturday evening saw a male rejecting the opportunity of a taxi ride home and being apprehended for driving with excess breath alcohol, not a wise decision. This was one of two drink drivers who were stopped by police that night.

In the early hours of Sunday morning police arrested a male for defecating on the front lawn of a local restaurant, a short distance from open public toilets. Not behaviour he should feel proud of.

Sunday saw a visitor to our town apprehended for driving while disqualified, he resisted arrest, and assaulted two police officers by spitting into their faces. He is appearing in custody in Queenstown District Court. Not one of the better workplace stories. Of note a number of passing motorists became unhappy with the police vehicle blocking the road. We were not trying to get into Wanaka bad parking but rather were responding with urgency to a violent incident. In future your understanding and patience would be appreciated.

Our found property department has two unclaimed computer tablets and an amount of cash in an envelope, if you have lost any of these items please come in and claim them, they are quite valuable and we would like to reunite them with their owners.

Enjoy each day and show tolerance to one another for you never know when it will be your last.