The Central App

Crimeline: Police warning to be cautious

The Central App

Sue Wards

31 July 2024, 5:04 PM

Crimeline: Police warning to be cautiousSenior Sergeant Fiona Roberts

Wānaka police are warning locals not to be complacent about safety.

Senior Sergeant Fiona (Fi) Roberts says Wānaka is a place where people have felt safe “for a long time”.

“But trust me … there are people who will take advantage of our good faith.”

Fi cited the example of a 20-year-old man who was arrested on Saturday night (July 27) while visiting Wānaka. 

“He has been charged with a range of serious drug related charges including unlawful possession of ammunition, possession of offensive weapons (times two), possession of morphine for supply, supplying MDMA (Ecstasy), possession of methamphetamine and cannabis,” she said.

Fi said another man was arrested on Friday (July 26) as a result of a warrant. 

The 26-year-old male, who is considered dangerous, was taken through to Queenstown where he caused damage to the cells. He has also been charged with wilful damage, Fi said.

Fi also warned people to look out for the many and ongoing Facebook, WhatsApp and TradeMe frauds. She warned people to take care when they do not know or trust a seller, and to be cautious with phone calls in general.

“If you don’t recognise a number: Don’t answer it.”

A man and woman have been arrested for a series of shoplifting offences, Fi said.

“Prior to their arrest they had been targeting local supermarkets,” she said, including both New World supermarkets as well as Countdown Metro and Four Square, racking up $1,200 worth of theft.

They are facing 12 charges of shoplifting.

Road policing: Invisible cyclists, driving to conditions

A lot of ‘close calls’ between cyclists and vehicles have been reported to Wānaka police in the wake of the fatal accident last month.

“We have had members of the public wanting to report how many cyclists are out and about after dark with no lights or high vis and dressed in black clothes,” Fi said.

“We all know the impact of road trauma after the recent fatal[ity] that involved a car and a cyclist. In the same week we were called to another accident involving another cyclist. We know that wearing a helmet will improve the outcome for you. Police urge cyclists to wear helmets, use lights and bright clothing.

“You’ve got to give yourself a chance.”

Fi said it was disappointing to hear the road policing team reporting high speeds across the district.

On Saturday night (July 27) a 26-year-old male was stopped on Matai Road. He underwent breath testing procedures and was found to have 697 mcg/L.

Fi advised locals to drive to conditions following the recent cold weather which brought snow and ice. Even when speed doesn’t cause the crash, it is the single biggest determinant in whether anyone is killed, injured, or walks away unharmed, she said.

Police will continue to visit ski fields over the coming months to make sure vehicles and drivers are safe to be on the roads.

Operation Hannah is a multi-site operation targeting vehicles in and around ski fields including passenger services vehicles. Police will focus on improving both vehicle safety and work-related road safety through road safety prevention, compliance and education.

Fi also reminded people that Wānaka police has a drop box for anyone wanting to drop off small items of lost property out of office hours. Ski field property is also being brought in from Cardrona Alpine Resort and Treble Cone.

“We seem to have a lot of people losing things up there,” she said.

Read more: Hunters rescued from Mt Burke

Call 111 when you need an emergency response from police, fire or ambulance.

Call 105 to report things that don’t need urgent police assistance.

Call *555 to report road incidents that are urgent but not life-threatening.

To make an anonymous crime report contact Crime Stoppers.

PHOTO: Wānaka App