The Central App

Crimeline: Arrested drug dealer was selling to youth

The Central App

Sue Wards

12 June 2024, 5:04 PM

Crimeline: Arrested drug dealer was selling to youthSenior Sergeant Fiona Roberts

A Wānaka man was arrested last Thursday (June 6) for dealing drugs.

The man has been charged with a range of charges relating to drug dealing, including supplying cannabis to people aged under 18.

He was dealing drugs in the Eely Point area, which was where he was arrested, Senior Sergeant Fiona (Fi) Roberts said.

“What we’ve done is disrupt a really decent supply of drugs into the area,” she said.

Family harm - a constant theme

A Hāwea man made a series of poor decisions in a single day this past week.

The man had a car accident, was issued an EBA (evidential breath alcohol test) by police, and was suspended for driving. He was also issued a PSO (a police safety order; these are issued to protect victims and give them time to make decisions about their ongoing safety and access support).

He came to the police’s attention later that day when he breached the PSO and was arrested.

The PSO was issued to give the man a “cooling off period”, Fi said, but “he failed to take the police’s good advice”.

The man was arrested and held in custody until he appeared in court on Monday.

Family harm is a constant theme in our community, Fi said.

Family harm includes a range of behaviour from psychological abuse, coercive behaviour, stalking, and violence.

“We see the full range of behaviour here. There’s a lot of stuff happening in our communities which is hidden,” she said. “If you see or hear anything then let us know.”

Road policing 

Another cold front is expected this weekend, and Fi said “with the rain comes the black ice”. 

Black ice forms after sunrise, when people are up and about. 

Fi said key areas to watch out for are crossing bridges (such as Albert Town, Cardrona, the Camphill Bridge) and the Sir Tim Wallis Drive roundabout, which doesn’t see much sun at this time of the year.

Fi said there was a disappointing number of drink drivers over the weekend, with eight EBAs issued.

The police impairment prevention team will be back here over the weekend, she said.

Scams, shoplifting

Police are still receiving reports of online scams, Fi said,

“People are still pushing the envelope heaps on Facebook,” she said, and police are starting to see more scams on TradeMe.

She said shoplifters should be aware that high tech cameras have been installed in premises around town, including at Mitre10 and New World.

“We’ve got some really good, elite cameras around. If you’re going to steal anything your next visit might as well be the police station,” she said.

“The team here loves tracking you down; we’ll connect the dots. Just don’t do it.”

Lost property

Wānaka Police station support officer Tania Harnett has advised locals to enter any lost property via 105. She will check those entries against property which is dropped off at the station. 

There is a lost property box outside the station if the doors are locked.

Call 111 when you need an emergency response from police, fire or ambulance.

Call 105 to report things that don’t need urgent police assistance.

Call *555 to report road incidents that are urgent but not life-threatening.

To make an anonymous crime report contact Crime Stoppers.

PHOTO: Wānaka App