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Community House receives grant from CLT towards foyer rebuild

The Central App

Tracie Barrett

02 October 2023, 4:45 PM

Community House receives grant from CLT towards foyer rebuildCentral Lakes Trust has granted $71,600 to Alexandra Community House towards modifying its foyer. PHOTO: Supplied

A modified foyer for Alexandra Community House (ACH) will take the organisation’s reception area back to its core functions, says manager Carole Gillions. 

Alexandra Community House received a grant of $71,600 at the Central Lakes Trust (CLT) board meeting on September 25, towards the modification of its foyer. The 

project will benefit more than 180 users and groups that make use of the space by increasing its security, accessibility and usability, CLT said. 

Carole said some changes were made to the area after the first Covid-19 outbreak so ACH could continue to operate once lockdowns were over and levels shifted. A review in 2020 - 2021 looked at the lessons learned during that time and what was needed in a foyer area, she said.

“We especially wanted to look at how we improved our security, but wanted to return some of our core functions of welcoming, and light. We also hope to tell a story about what Community House is, to articulate why we are here and what we do.”

Conceptual plans have been drawn up by Breen Construction, who built ACH 10 years ago.

Carole said the full cost was estimated to be $180,000 plus GST, and $66,652 had been received as a grant from the Department of Internal Affairs.

Results of one more grant application were still to be announced, and it was planned to begin work early next year, she said.

Volunteer South also received $39,000 towards a new initiative aimed at supporting capability and capacity in community groups across the region. The working title for this was The Lighthouse Initiative, but that would change, said Volunteer South regional lead Gillian White.

Significant operational grants were also approved for KiwiHarvest and Age Concern Otago. 

Mat Begg, grants manager for the CLT, said it was not often that a project addressed two major issues at once, but that is exactly what KiwiHarvest did. The charitable organisation reduced waste by “rescuing” surplus food, and then channelled it to those in need of food support. 

Working with a wide network of community organisations, KiwiHarvest provided around 6800 meals per week in the Central Lakes Trust region.

“The board was very impressed by how KiwiHarvest combines social wellbeing with positive environmental impact,” Mat said.

“Their dedication to supporting families in need while reducing food waste is not only admirable, but also serves as a shining example of how organisations can create meaningful change.”

A grant of $111,775 was approved to support KiwiHarvest with operational costs over the coming 18 months.

A grant of $100,000 was approved for Age Concern Otago, whose support extends to addressing housing-related issues, legal matters, health promotion seminars, education on safe computer usage, safe driving, and combating loneliness and isolation, particularly affecting the elderly.

“As our elderly population continues to grow, the work of Age Concern Otago becomes increasingly important. CLT has a longstanding relationship with Age Concern Otago, and we are proud to continue supporting their efforts through the coming year,” Mat said

Project grants within Central Otago

Alexandra Community House Foyer Modification $71,600

SARDA NZ Rescue Equipment $21,000

The Lightfoot Initiative Programmes Sep 2023 - Aug 2024 $39,000

Operational/Programme Grants

Age Concern Otago Operational Grant Dec 2023 - Nov 2024 $100,000

Multi-year grants

KiwiHarvest Operational Grant Sep 2023 - Mar 2025 $111,775