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Community House celebrates ten year anniversary

The Central App

Anna Robb

13 March 2023, 4:30 PM

Community House celebrates ten year anniversary Alexandra Community House is celebrating its tenth birthday tomorrow. PHOTO: Central App

The community is welcome at a special afternoon tea tomorrow (Wednesday March 15, 3-5pm) to mark ten years of Alexandra Community House (ACH) providing support to Central residents.


Central Otago REAP (Rural Education Activities Programme) manager Bernie Lepper said she enjoyed being part of ACH from when the build was initiated in 2007 and during her time as chairperson from 2013.

In July 2022 Bernie stepped down from the chairperson role after serving three terms in the position. 

The origin of the building was that a number of organisations needed bigger facilities and there was a real need, Bernie said.

“It was an old church manse… there were social agencies in there, but the building was crumbling down.”


Bernie Lepper PHOTO: Shannon Thomson

Bernie met with the Alexandra Clyde Lauder Union Parish which owned the land and helped to get permission from the church synod for ACH. 


“They agreed to lease the land at a peppercorn rate to us.

“I really believed in the project. We had to get funding applications in… it was the first of its kind with social service agencies all being together.”

Local funders including the Central Lakes Trust, Otago Community Trust and NZ Lotteries Commission supported the project.

It took years to raise funds for the build and the majority of contractors who worked on it were local (Breen Construction, Design Windows and others). 

ACH is a hub for social support agencies such as Central Otago REAP, Central budgeting services, Age Concern, Central Lakes family services, Plunket, Alexandra Community Advice Network, Cancer Society and more.