The Central App

Changes to land development, subdivision code of practice

The Central App

26 August 2024, 5:06 PM

Changes to land development, subdivision code of practiceStormwater from the Alpha Series subdivision overflowing into the Bullock Creek wetlands in 2021. 

Submissions have been invited from the public on new changes to Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) updated Land Development and Subdivision Code of Practice.

QLDC property and infrastructure general manager Tony Avery said the latest updates to the Code of Practice would ensure infrastructure across subdivisions and developments was “functional, consistent, able to be operated and maintained safely, and built using best practice”.

“The changes we’re proposing have a particular focus on stormwater management to lessen environmental effects and ensure stormwater systems built today are suitable for the future,” Tony said.

“Given a significant portion of the infrastructure council owns and manages is installed by developers and their contractors, the Code of Practice provides clear guidelines and standards to be met to ensure this infrastructure meets local conditions and our community’s expectations.”

Overall, stage three of the draft Land Development and Subdivision Code of Practice has more than 130 proposed changes, including updates to the standard drawing set; new appendices; specific parameters for assessing and designing for stormwater catchments; and additional requirements and methods for designing and using stormwater treatment and soakage devices.

The changes are part of the third stage of a review which has been underway since 2020.

The draft Code of Practice is available on QLDC’s consultation website Let’s Talk and upon request in council offices, and comes complete with current guidelines and proposed changes clearly marked.

Feedback can be made by emailing [email protected] up until Sunday October 6. Once staff have reviewed and considered all feedback, the draft Code of Practice will go before QLDC’s Infrastructure Committee for endorsement in November, then to full council for adoption in December this year.

PHOTO: Wānaka App