The Central App

Change of guard at art school

The Central App

Sue Wards

20 December 2022, 2:15 AM

Change of guard at art schoolRobyn van Reenen

After 30 years of organising Wānaka’s Autumn Art School, Robyn van Reenen and Dennis Schwarz are hanging up their clipboards.

The long term organisers were at the Mount Aspiring College campus each day last week, coordinating activities at the annual art school, which took place in spring after being postponed because of Covid-19 restrictions.

When the Wānaka App attended the school’s open day on Friday (October 14), classes were buzzing with people talking about how much they had learned during the week.

“The best thing has been hearing people enthusing about what they’ve learned,” Robyn said.

”I’ve loved it, and I’ve made good friends.”

Dennis Schwarz

The art school was set up in 1990 by Peter Mitchell, and Robyn and Dennis took over the organisation in 1992.

“Robyn makes it all happen - all we have to do is show up,” said artist Laetitia Campe, who took part in the painting with cold wax class this year.

Robyn estimates about 4,000 people have been through the school, and about 400 tutors.

Some people have attended every year, and their names have become familiar to Robyn even though she may not know what they look like.

Patience and diplomacy are required to coordinate the art school, she said. There may have been some occasions in the past 30 years when artistic temperaments have resulted in some drama, but Robyn is far too diplomatic to comment.

Robyn with artist Laetitia Campe.

Stepping down was bittersweet, she said.

“It’s still buzzing away in my head. I’m always looking for potential tutors.”

She plans to attend the school next year as a student, having attended classes each year except the first year and this year.

“I’ve nearly always done book binding, but there are lots of things I’d like to do.

“Painting classes are always popular. You could probably fill the whole school with painting classes.”

Dennis said he will miss the “general vibe” of planning the school, but he also plans to attend classes in the future.

Long term team member Susan Manson said Dennis’s “can do” attitude has saved the day many times, as has his efficiency with the art school’s accounts.

Susan is half of the new organisation team, with Liz Hawker, and they have plans to upgrade the school’s booking system, which was designed in the 1990s, and take “a fresh approach” in general.

The art school will continue to be held in autumn, when people are not as busy as they are in spring and when Wānaka’s autumn colours provide inspiration for the arts, especially painting and photography, Dennis said.

PHOTOS: Wānaka App