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Central golfers raise $3775 for Cancer Society

The Central App

Anna Robb

19 December 2023, 5:45 PM

Central golfers raise $3775 for Cancer SocietyPictured are (from left, back row) Gavin Breach, Joe Mugford, and front row Reuben Clark and Sam Bastin, known as ‘The Shank Squad’ at the end of their 16 hour long golf challenge. PHOTO: Supplied

Four Central golfers took part in a golf endurance event ‘The Longest Day Challenge’ on Sunday, playing 72 holes in the summer heat to raise money for the Cancer Society.

The team called ‘The Shank Squad’ consisted of Sam Bastin, Joe Mugford,Reuben Clark and Gavin Breach. They met playing cricket for Molyneux Cricket Club and have gone on to regularly play golf together three to four times a week. 

Another local golfer, Shane Ryan, also completed the Longest Day challenge solo. 

Reuben said Sunday was “huge” as they were out on the Alexandra golf course for 16 hours walking a total of 38 km.

On behalf of the squad he thanked his parents Tara and Glen Clark who supported them by dropping off food and drinks throughout the day.

“My old man came out and followed us for around eight hours. [Alexandra] Four Square donated us food and drinks for the day, which really helped. New World also sponsored raffle prizes.

“The last four hours were the most difficult, the body was definitely feeling it then . . . we [figured] people with cancer go through a whole lot more than this though.”

His grandmother died of cancer seven years ago, which was his reason for getting behind the cause.

The group initially thought they could raise $1000, so to be nearly at $4000 was fantastic, Reuben said.

He said they were an “organised group” and the planning began a couple of months ago.

They teed off at first light at 5.30am and played until 9.30pm to complete the four rounds. The day’s golf marathon didn’t quite coincide with the summer solstice, which is when one of Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the sun, on December 22.

Anyone can sign up to complete the challenge during December or January, and a 36 hole option is also available. The Cancer Society recommends playing in a team of two to four, and talking to your club captain to plan the day for when the course is less busy. 

Reuben’s advice to participants is to get plenty of practice in, get it done as fast as you can and thoroughly stretch during the day.

Every dollar raised goes towards cancer care, education and awareness programmes, and life saving cancer research. 

According to the Cancer Society, 71 New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer every day. 

Support The Shank Squad for their effort here. 

Find out more, or sign up to take part on The Longest Day website.