The Central App

Carparks lost but ‘dust bowl’ to be restored

The Central App

Sue Wards

16 February 2025, 4:00 PM

Carparks lost but ‘dust bowl’ to be restoredA bus tries to find a park next to newly installed rocks at the Stoney Creek carpark.

Rocks have been installed around the Stoney Creek reserve to help restore it from a “dust bowl” to a green area, but locals say the move will exacerbate congestion at the popular spot.

Work crews placed rocks along part of the reserve near the Stoney Creek carpark (adjacent to the Wānaka Watersports Facility and near ‘The Wānaka Tree’) last week (February 13-14) to “protect reserve land from vehicle damage and reduce congestion”, according to Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC).

“Several informal parking spaces will be maintained near the playground, and the new rocks will provide a gap for vehicles with trailers to use when accessing the watersports facility,” QLDC announced on social media, adding that additional parking was available “a short walk away” at the Wānaka-Mt Aspiring Road carpark.

Many locals responded by bemoaning the loss of car parking, “Where are all the cars now going to park? It's a very busy area which won't change,” said one person. Others suggested creating more car parks on the reserve; another said they believed there was already insufficient parking for the nearby playground, and the loss of more parks would “force people to walk their children and toddlers in buggies along the road with the buses and much dubious driving.”

Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board (WUCCB) chair Simon Telfer said the board agreed to the project at a public workshop late last year.  

“We have obligations to reduce the dust storms for neighbours, protect trees and reserves and to meet Environment Court requirements based on the Water Sports Facility decision,” Simon told the Wānaka App.

The reserve has been turned into “a dust bowl”, community board chair Simon Telfer says.

The amenity of the reserve is currently poor “as vehicles have turned what is a reserve into a dustbowl”, he said.

“But, over time, we will rehabilitate this area and it will continue to be part of the green space fabric that Wānaka is known for.”

Simon said there will “never be enough vehicle parking in peak times at a number of our reserves”. 

“But creating parking costs, and that burden falls on the rate payer,” he said. He added that QLDC needs to “do better at sign posting where people should park and for Stoney Creek that will include using Stage 2 parking, road side parking and showground parking”.

Locals also raised concerns on social media about the number of buses using the reserve, with one person saying: “Stop allowing three 40 seater buses to park in there at a time; charge them and make them park elsewhere so it’s not so dangerous for others to drive, walk, bike in that area.”

A bus double parked to dislodge passengers on Saturday.

When the Wānaka App visited the reserve on Saturday (February 15) two commercial buses were forced to double park while passengers unloaded. The parks were also busy with campervans, cars, and pedestrians.

Simon said bus parking in the area “is a challenge”.

“[But] I'm not sure ratepayers should fund those buses that stop off to use the Watersports toilets, photograph the tree and then head to Queenstown without making any contribution to Wānaka,” he said.

PHOTOS: Wānaka App