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Call for ambassadors who love cycling in Central

The Central App

Anna Robb

05 July 2024, 5:15 PM

Call for ambassadors who love cycling in Central CODC road safety advisor Chris Foggin (at front) with the participating teachers during the schools bike ambassador course held in June. PHOTO: The Central App

Central Otago District Council (CODC) has places available on a free community bike ambassadors' course next month.

CODC road safety advisor Chris Foggin (Foggie) said people who wanted to share their passion for bikes and trails were welcome, including seasoned cyclists, rangitahi, social services workers and teachers.

“A community bike ambassador is someone who lives in the community, loves to ride bikes and uses the local trail network and connecting road infrastructure regularly.”

The free course held over three days from August 5-7, covers foundation bike skills, trail-side repairs, incident management and reporting, conflict management and first aid. 

Know your chain stay from your seat stay? Course content includes part identification. PHOTO: Supplied 

Foggie said after completing the course there was no time commitment or pressure.

“[It’s] an expectation that they will help others when needed. My strategy is to build knowledge, skills, appropriate behaviours, good practice, and better cycling etiquette in our community. 

“Enhancing the cycling centric vibe here, taking it from great to exceptional.”

The community bike ambassador course is a part of the CODC Wheels Up campaign designed to make the Central community more road-safety savvy.

The bike ambassador programme is a community-based project designed to increase safety and enhance the user experience around Central's roads and cycle trails network, in addition to supporting cyclists in our towns and urban areas where cycle transport connections are being developed.

For information call Foggie on 027 473 3514.

Read more: Central teachers become bike ambassadors

Read more: Bumz on bikez benefits from road safety workshop