The Central App
The Central App
Everything Central Otago
The Central App

Bringing the innovation explosion to Central

The Central App

Rachel Jones

20 July 2022, 6:30 PM

Bringing the innovation explosion to Central     Vicki McLean and Stephen Wright

The Central App didn’t let a bit of rain put a damper on its business luncheon on Tuesday (19th June)

Vicki McLean, owner of The Central App, was delighted to be able to thank clients for their support by inviting them to hear international business consultant Stephen Wright talk about the ‘Innovation Explosion’.

“Bringing worldwide expertise to Central Otago is part of the Central App’s driving business philosophy to ‘be better’,” Vicki said.

The Central App hosted the event at the Packing Shed to provide a platform for Atlanta-based Stephen to share his thoughts on how businesses can approach innovation.

Stephen talked about six key innovation strategies, including how to identify and ride the wave of new trends, how to see problems as opportunities to increase profitability, and how to innovate based on changing consumer values.

The well-attended event took place at The Packing Shed.

In a post-pandemic world, it is “business as unusual,” he said.

It is more important than ever for organisations to think about how they can make changes that work in the new context. That applies no matter how big or how small they are, and whether they are service or product based, Stephen said.

Stephen’s overall advice for local businesses was to balance “being who you are, while innovating for the future.” 

He urged attendees to back themselves, grasp opportunities and try new things, and he generously offered to keep in touch with locals after the event to provide some guidance.

Vicki McLean, Glen Christiansen (The Gate Cromwell), Bruce Davidson (Honda Alexandra). 

Central Otago District Council’s economic development manager Nick Lanham said Stephen’s presentation introduced him to new ideas and provided helpful guidance.

“I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Stephen speak,” Nick said. “A big thanks to The Central App for organising and supporting our local businesses.”

Forging a connection between local businesses and Stephen’s international experience was just what Vicki had in mind when she asked Stephen to speak.

Stephen with Dewald de Beer (C&R insurance), Vicki McLean and Peter Hishon (Tall Poppy Real Estate).

She believes businesses need to walk what they talk, and the The Central App wants to lead by example.

“Clients support us by advertising on the App, and I in turn want to support them,” says Vicki. 

“As part of that, I plan to bring a speaker to Central Otago as often as possible to help clients to tap into the most up-to-date business thinking from a different preceptive. It's about encouraging leaders to spend time working on their business rather than in it. Something most of us haven't done for a while due to Covid, staff shortages and just being busy enough. Its great to get out again and mix as a business community”

“There’s so many amazing things happening in our little patch, and by putting smart and innovative people in the same room even more Central Otago magic can happen.”