The Central App

Boaties warned to prepare for winter water dangers

The Central App

01 June 2021, 8:00 PM

Boaties warned to prepare for winter water dangersWinter boating brings additional challenges, such as unpredictable weather and colder conditions. PHOTO: Supplied

With as many Kiwi boaties dying in winter as in summer, Maritime NZ is urging all those headed out on the water to be prepared for winter’s changing conditions. 

Whether you are kayaking, paddle boarding, jet skiing, fishing or yachting, boating during winter brings additional challenges, such as unpredictable weather and colder conditions. 

“It’s tragic that in winter we still see a similar number of recreational boating fatalities as in summer, when many more people are on the water,” Maritime New Zealand manager sector engagement and collaboration Baz Kirk said.

In 2020, there were four fatalities in the June to August (winter) period compared to five in the December to February (summer) period. And in 2019, there were five fatalities in the winter period and four in the summer period.

“Boating during the winter does require you to take some additional steps to stay safe – but by planning ahead and knowing what you’re facing, you’ll be able to enjoy your time on the water,” he said. 

“Over summer 2021, five people perished on our waters and we don’t want to see that same number over winter.”

Cold water immersion can kill in as little as 30-40 minutes, especially in New Zealand’s alpine lakes. PHOTO: Wanaka App

In winter, New Zealand’s seas, lakes and rivers are very cold, and cold water immersion can kill in as little as 30 to 40 minutes - especially in New Zealand’s alpine lakes. 

People in, on or around cold water need to follow the cold water immersion guidelines, known as the 1-10-1 guide: one minute to control your breathing – float, don’t panic and try not to hyperventilate; 10 minutes to self-rescue, or plan your course of action; one hour to incapacitation by hypothermia – can you make the safe distance you need by then? If not, stay where you are.

Baz also encouraged people to follow these safety tips to get the most out of their time on the water this winter: Wear your lifejacket; take two waterproof ways to call for help; Check the marine weather forecast before departing and frequently during your trip; avoid alcohol; dress for the water temperature, not the air temperature.

“We urge people to be prepared so they don’t put themselves or others at risk this winter. We want everyone to come home safely after a great day on the water,” Baz said.

More information on cold water survival and preparedness information can be found on the Safer Boating NZ website.

PHOTO: Supplied