Aimee Wilson
18 December 2024, 4:29 PM
Bogans in cars and increased disorder on southern highways have prompted an extension of the Alexandra Blossom Festival weekend liquor ban corridor as south as Raes Junction.
The Central Otago District Council (CODC) has agreed to extend the alcohol restriction zone from its border and into the Clutha district, and its Alcohol Restrictions in Public Places Bylaw will be amended as a result.
At a meeting in Alexandra yesterday, Council senior strategy advisor Alix Crosbie said as a result of alcohol-related disorder incidents, and in consultation with police, the bylaw would also extend to the annual Merino Shears the weekend following Blossom Festival.
In recent years fighting and assaults had taken place in the Stadium Tavern carpark following the Merino Shears and they were of quite a serious level, Alix said.
The party atmosphere out on the main highways south of Alexandra in the build up to the Alexandra Blossom Festival. SUPPLIED
Staff reached out to Sergeant Adam Elder of New Zealand Police in order to substantiate the evidence base for an extension of the bylaw.
He said there was quite a strong contingent of vehicle enthusiasts who travelled from Southland, Dunedin, and Balclutha, for the Blossom Festival, who all met at Raes Junction and travelled in convoy.
"All are usually consuming alcohol, and they cause a nuisance in the various towns they stop in with disorder type incidents.”
However despite the disorder caused, police could only enforce the liquor ban when they reached Alexandra and Cromwell.
The bylaw would also extend the back road between Millers Flat and Roxburgh Dam where the groups met as part of annual celebrations.
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