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Biking and a break for Bernie as she leaves Central Otago REAP

The Central App

Anna Robb

18 October 2024, 4:45 PM

Biking and a break for Bernie as she leaves Central Otago REAPBernie Lepper with Central Otago REAP chair Doug White. PHOTO:The Central App

After 27 years of championing adult education through Central Otago REAP manager Bernie Lepper is stepping down.

Her final week was marked with a celebratory afternoon tea and cake at Alexandra Community House with colleagues and board members attending yesterday.

REAP chairman Doug White said Bernie’s leadership was exemplary.

“Bernie has not only successfully lead our REAP . . . she has served on its national body [for six years], mentored and supported other REAP's throughout the country and has just completed, with two co-authors, a REAP handbook …a wonderful guide for other REAPs,’’ Doug said.

“[Central] is her turangawaewae. 

“Her time growing up at Earnscleugh, in the senior management at Dunstan High School, her time as mayoress and the membership of local organisations has meant she has a wonderful appreciation of existing and emerging education needs in Central and the ability to mobilise capable people to meet these needs.’’

Bernie had wonderful people skills and had developed a great culture within a team across Central Otago, he said.

“Bernie has managed her complex and quickly changing role with high level managerial skills and provided excellent support and guidance to the trustees.“

Doug said his biking stories would never match Bernie’s.

“Her husband Tony deserves a medal from the Governor General keeping up with her, but he's already got one,”

Bernie thanked colleagues, friends and all who had contributed to making Central Otago REAP a success, she said the manager role kept on changing and new exciting challenges enticed her to stay on. PHOTO: The Central App

Bernie told The Central App she felt really good about leaving, with handover going smoothly to new manager Kellie Weatherston, who has a background in early childhood education. 

Education was Bernie’s passion and she believed that through learning, people could change the course of their lives.

“It’s the littlest thing that can be transformational for someone . . . perhaps getting their drivers licence, or improving literacy, ” Bernie said.  

Watch part of Bernie’s farewell speech here (four minutes). VIDEO: The Central App

Recent projects she was proud of included the Drive My Life Programme, working to meet the needs of new migrants, and the handbook for other REAPs.

When Bernie started at Central Otago REAP there were five staff, now almost three decades later, the organisation had grown to 30 people working in different locations across Central.

Central Otago District Council staff past and present, teachers, current Central Otago REAP staff and other community members enjoyed speeches, drinks and a cake aptly named ‘Thyme to smell the roses’ as part of Bernie’s send off. PHOTO: THe Central App

In June 2023 Bernie was awarded a Queen’s Service Medal for services to the community and education in the King’s Birthday honours list. 

Husband Tony was made a member of the Order of New Zealand Merit (ONZM) in 2020. 

Prior to her time at Central Otago REAP, she was assistant principal at Dunstan High School, and taught geography and social studies at both DHS and Cromwell College.

She enjoyed being part of Alexandra Community House from when the build was initiated in 2007 and during her time as chairperson from 2013.

Bernie was heavily involved in the design and construction of the venue, a community hub housing 16 social services agencies, local arts and crafts and used by 150 community groups. 

“I really believed in the project . . . it was the first of its kind with social service agencies all being together.

Bernie stepped down from the chairperson role in July 2022 after serving three terms in the position. 

She was also a trustee of the Central Lakes Trust from 2010 to 2019.

Bernie at the end of the Sound-to-Sound bike race, from Queen Charlotte to Milford, around 1,500km over nine days in 2022. PHOTO: Supplied

Staying fit by spending time on her bike was something she would continue, especially as a newly purchased gravel bike was waiting at home for her. 

She and her husband, former Central Otago mayor Tony Lepper, have done bikepacking overseas including in Australia, South Korea, Cambodia, The Balkans and the United Kingdom.

Her plans for retirement are firstly a three week holiday and bike packing trip to Australia encompassing a wedding too, then some relaxation as summer and Christmas arrive.

Spending time with her three grandchildren, who are aged one, three and five was something she was looking forward to.

“I’m going to enjoy a good break.”

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