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Be safe on the roads this Matariki

The Central App

25 June 2024, 5:15 PM

Be safe on the roads this MatarikiWinter driving conditions are here; ice, snow, fog and cold. Be prepared, take lots of breaks and consider if you really need to travel if the weather forecast is bad. PHOTO: istock

No matter where you’re heading at Matariki, make sure you get there in one piece.

That’s the message from police, who are informing motorists to expect the appropriate enforcement action to be taken if you are caught driving in an unsafe way over Matariki weekend.

A large number of police will be patrolling roads across the country to make sure everyone gets to their destination safely. 

There were three road deaths during Matariki last year, and five in 2022.

This year so far there have been 130 deaths on New Zealand roads, including two near Alexandra.

Patrols will have a particular focus on unsafe driving behaviour, including unrestrained occupants, drivers impaired by alcohol, drugs or fatigue, drivers distracted by mobile phones and speeding vehicles.

Acting director of road policing inspector Dan Mattison said the majority of the public drives safely, but there remains a pocket of individuals who risk people’s lives on our roads.

“Those who deliberately endanger lives by their dangerous behaviours on our roads can expect to be ticketed or dealt with by other enforcement action if they are caught.

“Our dedicated teams . . . have an ongoing commitment to road safety and reducing harm, not just over Matariki weekend but every day of the year.

“Most of the people we see on the roads are driving or riding safely, but we still see too many people pushing the limits of what is safe and acceptable," he said.

“If you’re on the road, take a moment and think of your loved ones. 

“We don’t want to be telling someone their partner or family member has been in a crash, and nothing is worth risking your life for.”

Districts across the country will have plans in place ahead of the long weekend. 

Expect to see a visible police presence on the roads day and night, as officers work to deter any unsafe driving behaviour.

The Matariki weekend holiday period starts at 4pm tomorrow (27 June) and ends at 6am on July 1.

Check The Central App’s Roads and Weather reports before you travel.

Read more: Central’s Matariki celebrations near