Rowan Schindler
04 February 2021, 8:00 PM
Bannockburn Bowls Club Centennial Chairman Peter Kean says the club has a few plans to celebrate the milestone.
“We have 33 members, but at one stage not that long ago we were down to 14, so a nice bounce back”.
“The Future of The Club is strong and bright,” he says.
The Club will celebrate the Centennial with a quiet evening on Friday February 5 from 4pm until 7.30pm.
In a booklet produced by the club, it states that on October 18, 1919, a meeting was organised by Mr Jas McEldowney in the Bannockburn Hotel to discuss the formation of a combined tennis and bowling club.
Laying the green at Bannockburn Bowls Club.
“The meeting was well attended,” the author states. “Mr James Ritchie was elected as chairman, Mr John Parcell as secretary, with a committee including Mr G B Gordon, Mr Jas McEldowney, and Mr Chas Ray.
“The outcome of the meeting was that it was decided to construct a bowling green.
“It appears that there was little interest in a tennis court.
“A site on Doctors Flat of sluiced out land north west of Horns Stable was chosen.
“The land had been worked for gold around 1875 by a miner named Peter Reville. The club applied to the Commissioner of Lands for its use.”
On Nov 9, 1919, the newly formed committee held a meeting with Mr W H Collins to discuss the location of the bowling green.
“Mr W H (Harry) Collins owned Glenfoyle Run at Luggate in partnership with his brother Fred. He had come from Christchurch and had some knowledge of forming bowling greens.
“The size of the green was to be 110ft (33.4m) square, with 10 ft (3m) wide banks.
“The site was very rough and there was a drainage problem on the northern end.
“This would require forming stone-filled drains with clay on top.
“The area would require the removal of all rocks on the bottom and a layer of clay 1 ft (30cm) deep compacted over the whole area.”
A contractor, Mr William Smith loaned his team of horses and scoops at a reduced rate.
From there, the club progressed through the next 99 years, ebbing and flowing with the times.
The clubhouse had no water tank or amenities.
It is interesting to note that for nearly 30 years the water for the afternoon tea was carried by bucket by Mr R Robertson from a spring below Terrace Street.
It wasn’t until the 1960s that the water issue began to be resolved.
In 1962, the club’s first Centre Pairs title was won by Kevin Scott (skip) and Eric Scott.
“Kevin Scott (skip), Bart Clark, Bryce Ritchie and Eric Scott won the Centre Fours.
“Kerry Clark, aged 13, joined the club as a junior.”
The “new” clubhouse at Bannockburn Bowls Club, circa 1951.
Deemed too young to play for another club, Kerry went on to win a NZ title and to be president of NZ Bowls.
This week, Peter Kean and the club have every reason to celebrate.
“The Club is celebrating the Centennial with a quiet evening on Friday February 5 from 4pm until 7.30pm,” Peter says.
“The Green will be open for a practice and we will supply some savouries as well.
“The actual Centennial Tournament begins on both the Bannockburn and Cromwell greens at 8.30am on Saturday and play should be completed by 4.30pm.
“On the Saturday Evening we will have an informal evening at the Bannockburn Bowling Club from 6pm until 11pm. There will be a couple of speeches, plus a guest speaker.
“Finger food will be provided and all bowlers and partners are welcome.
“We have also extended an invitation to past players and some Bannockburn identities.
“On Sunday the tournament continues again at 8.30am on both greens.
“At approximately 1pm on Sunday the quarter finals will commence; post section play should be completed by about 3.30pm.
“After the finals are complete, we will have the prizegiving, plus there will be a BBQ going for a few hours.”
Photos courtesy Bannockburn Bowls Club.