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An artist’s view: Jordan Turner

The Central App

Anna Robb

16 December 2022, 5:00 PM

An artist’s view: Jordan Turner Artist Jordan Turner and her vibrant style of painting

The Central App will share the story of our region’s artists each month. If you know someone with creative talent to nominate contact: [email protected]

Cromwell’s Jordan Turner is a painter who has travelled the world and is back in Central, where she grew up.


What is special about where you live?

“I live in Cromwell and I love being surrounded by the mountains and lakes, there is no place like it. 

“I have special memories of growing up here and it feels lovely to connect back to where I was born, after years of living aboard. I have loved my time travelling across the globe yet, there has been something truly magical returning home.” 

How did you get started as an artist?

“I have been painting and drawing ever since I was old enough to hold a brush or pencil…and I have followed my heart and done what I have loved doing throughout my career.

“I completed my certificate in Makeup and Film Production at the Design and Makeup College of New Zealand, aged 20, which set me on the path in the makeup industry, painting faces and bodies across multiple different countries. 

“After returning from London seven years ago to Melbourne, my creative career started to expand into designing and leading makeup and bodypainting events, and having my fine art displayed in a Melbourne Gallery and across multiple art shows. 

“I am lucky to have that sense of a kid's excitement with my projects. I love to set challenges to work towards - it keeps me inspired. [I want] to inspire other people to live a creative life, to live their best life. 

An example of Jordan’s art 

“In London I created a journal filled with pictures of [inspiring] imagery and projects I would love to work on. I would read this every night before I fell asleep, which helped me keep me in a higher vibrational state, as London was a tough experience for me.

“Most of those images and dreams came to life when I lived in Melbourne a few years later. A clear vision of where you are wanting to head is key.” 

How have you ended up living and working here? 

“I was born in Clyde and brought up in Cromwell. My fiancé is also from Cromwell so combined there is a lot of history with Central. Both of our families are still close by which is very important to me, especially at this time in my life. It was time to be home.”  

What's your favourite spot in Central?

“One of my favourites is, on a beautiful day, taking off from home and walking along the lakefront, it is so beautiful and very peaceful. I love starting my day… arranging some of my creative thoughts and downloads along the way, or simply just to sit for a while and take in the morning beauty.”

What else are you involved in within the community? 

“My involvement has been with the local drama society in a recent production, along with the community based projects of Keep Alexandra Clyde Beautiful (they commissioned my recent mural completed outside The Bakery on Centennial Ave). I was a part of an after school programme in Cromwell, before choosing to focus full time on my art business.”

How do you approach a challenge?

“I tend to look at any challenge in a more rounded way, knowing that nothing truly comes to any of us just in black, there has to be a white also. Ultimately, the choices we make have a ripple effect on our community and vice versa.”

How can people find out more about your art?

“I share my current works and upcoming projects on my social media accounts… follow me on Facebook and Instagram (@jordanturner_artist). On my Instagram bio there is a linktree that will take you to recent articles, projects and works of art.”

Jordan’s work features feminine faces

What are you doing differently since the Covid-19 pandemic? 

“Through this time my skills called me to innovate and create meaningful work. The challenge for families that I could see was in homeschooling….my online colouring book was inspired at this time, it could be downloaded and printed at home. 

“I also ran 30 day art challenges throughout that time for people to join. It was a major creation mode for me and many of my new lines of art, especially in the world of Web3 Creating digital art NFTs (non-fungible tokens) started taking shape. It was a time that made me realise more than ever, that art and creativity is what the world needs.”

What does the future look like for your artistic work?

“Very bright and bold, filled with the mystery and magic of my creative dreams and with many opportunities. I plan to expand my artistic abilities more into the digital arena and set up my website, so watch this space. I am super excited to share projects that are in the works with my community, so see you on the ‘gram.”

Mandalas are another motif recurring in her art