The Central App

Accentuate the positive

The Central App

Mayor Tim Cadogan - Opinion

18 June 2022, 6:00 PM

Accentuate the positive

I was in Wellington for part of last week and while walking down a street, I saw a billboard that gave me pause for thought.  

It wasn’t advertising anything, had no company name on it, but was professionally done. It simply said “what is the best thing that has happened to you this week so far?”.


It immediately got me to thinking. Landing at Wellington Airport without getting whiplash was a plus, but negated a bit by the lady next to me putting her bare feet up on the back of the armrest in front of us. 

There I was enjoying a beer with an old mate I hadn’t seen in a while which was a treat, but in the end, I settled on having a lie-in on Sunday morning listening to the rain on the roof; a wonderful and rare thing to do in Central.


Then I got to thinking further. Who put the billboard up and what was the point of it all?

Was it messaging some business that a country boy like me was unaware of? Possibly; but I decided to have a happier view, and let myself think that someone had put this up just so me and others would spend a couple of minutes reflecting on some good things that had happened so far this week.

It certainly put me in a nice frame of mind for the rest of the day.


So, “what is the best thing that has happened to you this week so far?”

Take time out to reflect today. Sunday - a day to stop, breathe, and enjoy our surroundings.