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A day in the life of a professional gardener

The Central App

Rachel Jones

05 January 2023, 4:30 PM

A day in the life of a professional gardenerBarry Mackie of Mackies garden centre

The Central App has met a few interesting workers this summer to provide readers with a peek into their work lives.

Today meet Barry Mackie, nurturer of plants, owner of Mackie’s Garden Centre, and slightly publicity shy man-of-few-words.

What is your profession?

I’m a garden centre/ nursery operator.

Describe a typical day at work. 

The job is very seasonal and with each season comes different tasks and hours.

I could be sowing seeds, taking cuttings, potting up plants or spraying. There’s lots of variety.

I usually work from eight to late. 

How did you end up in the job you are doing now? 

I’ve been involved with plants since I left school.

How did you manage through the pandemic and what are you doing differently post


During Covid I developed show gardens.

What do you love about your job?

I get a lot of satisfaction from growing plants from cuttings and seed.

What are the negative aspects of your job?

Winter is the worst part of my job, especially bagging up all the trees.

What would you say to someone wanting to join your profession? How should they

go about it?

I think it’s important to test the water to see if you are truly interested in plants. If not, try something else.

What does the future look like for you and work?

For me, retirement is in the near future, but overall garden centres are a rapidly growing business. 

Mackies garden centre and nursery 

What else would you like to tell us about your job?

To do this job you need to have a deep interest in plants – customers love good advice, so you need to know your stuff.

Summarise your work life in three words.

Satisfaction. Rewarding. Challenging.