The Central App
Melanie Mackenzie Hearing

Melanie Mackenzie Hearing

Of all the five senses, our hearing is perhaps the most precious. If we lose it, we lose contact with the people we love and the world around us. 

Monday-Fridays 9am - 3pm

Melanie Mackenzie (MAud, MNZAS, CCC) is an independent audiology expert committed to finding exactly the right hearing solution for you whilst providing exceptional service and aftercare so you’re truly able to love your hearing again. She can often see you for a same day appointment so get in touch today.


Our Services:

•Free Basic Checks

•Full Diagnostic Assessment

•Tinnitus Assessment

•Child Hearing Assessment

•Hearing Aids & Accessories

•Home-Based Appointments

•Hearing Aid Maintenance

•New Hearing Aid Fitting

•Pre-Employment or Workplace Hearing Test

•Custom Earplugs


Talk to us about…

Ministry of Health hearing aid funding scheme | ACC | WINZ | SuperGold card holder benefits | Veterans Affairs Funding Scheme